Benewah Health and Wellness

Bringing health to you, for good.

Indoor Activities

Steps to stay active!

1. Sit down activities are great for building muscle strength that is needed for everyday activities. While sitting in a chair raise your legs off the ground and count to ten before setting them back down. Do this twice everyday and gradually increase your time.

2. Water endurance activities are also great for reducing the chance of injury. Walk back and forth to each end of the pool for a great workout!

3. Starting a walking program includes getting comfortable shoes, taking water with you, and not pushing yourself too far. Remember that wherever you walk, you will have to get back. Be conscious of your ability and never be ashamed for trying!

Cited from Melanie LM. March 2007,  (

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Sitting Exercises

Beginner Exercises

Kids Exercises

Advanced Workout with Weights!

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